Coming after Shivaratri Festival, Holi brings the message of life.
Shivaratri stands for waking up from the dream. Waking up to reality.
Holi shows the way. Holi is celebrated with splashing of colours and
burning of Kama. Symbolicing the Upanishadic ( Ishavasya), Tena Tyaktena
Bhunjitaha - Enjoy with renunciation.
*Tena Tyaktena Bhunjitaha*
Isha Vasya upanishat says "Enjoy with renunciation". How can someone enjoy
with renunciation. How is it possible. Everything in the Universe belongs to
the Lord - Ishvara. There is nothing which belongs to anybody. If we look at
our body, mind, intellect complex, space, water, fire, earth everything is
Prakriti- Nature. Nature belongs to Ishvara. We have been given this body,
this mind, intellect to experience the Prakriti. In forgetfulness, we start
assuming ownership. We say my body, we say my mind, we say my intellect and
gradually, we start experiencing I am body. Then we start accumulating. My
property, my house... . There is no such thing. Everything belongs to
Ishvara. We are given the right to use body for a limited duration. Body is
like a rented house. The moment we start claiming ownership of the rented
house, we are in trouble. In universal terms, the trouble is called karma.
Suffering starts.
We have to understand that we have been given right to use but not
ownership. We are trustees of everything given by Lord - Ishvara.
We need to take good care of the nature, our body mind complex and live
greatfully, for all the grace We have to renounce ownerhsip and live in joy,
celebration with all that is given to us. This is the spirit of Holi.
*Spirit of Holi*
Holi involves celebration of life - splashing of colours. Burning of Kama.
- Symbolising renunciation of what is not ours and in the process
experiencing the bliss of life, joy of life.
*Story of Holi Festival - Story of Holika*
According to Narad Purana, this day is celebrated in the memory of Prahlad’s
victory and the defeat of his aunt ’Holika’. The legend says that there once
existed a mighty demon king by the name of Hiranyakashyap who wished that
everybody in his kingdom should worship him. However, his son, Prahlad
became a worshipper of Lord Vishnu. He tried every way to stop Prahlad from
worshipping Vishnu but could not succeed. Out of frustration and anger, the
demon king then decided to kill his son. Despite all his efforts, Prahlad
remained safe by the blessings of Lord Vishnu.
Finally, Hiranyakashyap instructed his sister, Holika to sit in the burning
fire with Prahlad in lap. She was blessed with a boon, as a result of which
no fire could burn her. But the opposite happened, Prahlad survived and
Holika was charred to death. This incident thus re-established the faith of
people in the ultimate divine power and is thus celebrated as the day of
eternal love, devotion, blessings and the victory of Good over evil. It is
because of this event, Holika (a bonfire) is burnt every year on Holi. The
burning of the effigy of Holika is called Holika Dahan.
*Spiritual Meaning of the Story of Buring of Holika. - Mandukya Upanishad*
Hiranya kashyap - stands for desire ridden individuals - Hiranya means gold.
Kashyapu - means pillow. Somebody whose sleep is disturbed by desire for
possessions and wealth. He becomes Asura - demonic. Disturbing the society
and himself. Prahlad is child - a
opening in the heart for the Lord - Supreme Bliss ( Pra-Ahlada). The desire
ridden ego suppresses the child. Even tries to kill through holika ( the
anger). But lord protects the child and shows himself in the form of
Narasimha - Neither man, nor animal, neigher inside nor outside, neighter
darkness, nor light ( Na antha prajnaha, Na bhahish prajan ) - Turiya state
of conciousness. Practice of Turiya, - Samadhi - 4th state of conciousness -
kills the ego - Hiranyakashyap and Holika.
Burning of Holika is symbolic of Tapasya - Spiritual practices. Tapasya
means heat - Heat of spiritual practices of - Kaya, vacha, manasa tapasya
burns Holika - Anger - sister of ego.
*Spiritual Meaning of Kamadahana - Jnanagni Dagda Karmani - Bhagavadgita*
There is another legend that is also attributed to the origin of Holi. This
story is about Kamadeva, the god of love. Kama’s body was destroyed when he
shot his weapon at Shiva in order to disrupt his meditation and help Parvati
to marry Shiva. In anger for disrupting his meditation, Shiva opened his
third eye, the gaze of which was so powerful that Kama’s body was reduced to
ashes. For the sake of Kama’s wife Rati (passion), Shiva restored Kamadeva
only as a mental image, representing the true emotional and spiritual state
of love rather than physical lust. It is also believed that the Holi bonfire
is lit in commemoration of this event.
*Spiritual Meaning of Burning Of Kamadeva*
Shiva is Adi Guru. Destroyer of Ignorance. Opening of third eye represents
- wisdom. Wisdom gained through Shastra (Scriptures), Sadguru (Enlightened
Master) and Atmaguru (The Inner Self)
*Story of Shri Krishna and Gopikas*
In Vrindavan and
Mathura,where Lord Krishna grew up, the
festival is celebrated for 16 days (until Rangpanchmi in commemoration of
the divine love of Radha for Krishna).
Lord Krishna is believed to have popularized the festival by playing pranks
on the gopis here. Krishna is believed
to have complained to his mother about the contrast between his dark skin
complexion and Radha's (Shakti or energy that drives the world) fair skin
complexion. Krishna's mother decided to apply colour to Radha's face. The
celebrations officially usher in spring, the celebrated season of love*.*
*Spiritual Meaning of the story :* Shri Krishna represents the Paramatman.
Gopikas represents the Jivatman. Radhika represents the Prakriti. The deep
love of Gopikas and Bhagavan and the play is Rasa lila. Colours represents
the animation of the Prakriti and Jivatman by Paramatman.
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